Community-Based Outreach

社区外展提供非学分的个人充实和专业发展课程.  我们的目标是提供广泛的项目来满足社区的需求和兴趣.  我们的目标是通过以个人丰富为目标的课程来促进终身学习, professional development, skill development and recreational enjoyment.

Come explore, create and learn through our courses that include art, cooking, computers, fitness, welding and much more!

《beat365平台》(CRN 64536)的发布日期从周三开始更改, April 10 to Wednesday, March 27.

Community-Based Outreach Catalog Spring 2024

Professional / Continuing Education

beat365平台通过ed2go提供非学分/ CEU /证书在线课程.  在线课程以灵活的形式提供了学习新的个人和专业技能的机会.

ed2go logo

Learn new personal and professional skills online.  我们提供各种高度互动的课程,您可以完全通过互联网学习. 我们所有的课程都由专家教师领导,其中许多是全国知名的作家. 我们的在线课程价格合理,有趣,快捷,方便,专为您量身定制.

John Wood Community College, in partnership with ed2go, 提供在线开放注册课程,旨在为许多有需求的职业提供获得专业水平职位所需的技能.

我们的课程由来自各个领域的专业团队设计, providing you with effective web-based learning programs. 教师/导师积极参与你的在线学习体验, responding to any questions or concerns, as well as encouraging and motivating you to succeed.

Featured Course

QuickBooks Online Series

QuickBooks仍然是中小企业使用的主要会计软件. Today more than ever, 基于云的QuickBooks Online由于其可访问性和灵活性,正在迅速取代桌面会计软件版本. This course series will introduce you to QuickBooks Online, teach you the software’s intermediate functions and features, 并教你如何管理您的企业财务使用QuickBooks在线.


Featured Course

The Complete Project Manager with CAPM® and PMP® Prep

这是一个全面的项目管理程序,为那些谁想要扩大他们的知识和项目管理概念的应用. 它旨在为当今的项目从业者创造技能,并为他们准备CAPM®或PMP®认证.


Additional Community-Based Outreach Information


报名表格可在线、邮寄、亲自或致电217提交.641.4941.  学生必须在正式注册班级之前收到全额付款.  信用卡或借记卡付款是确保您注册的最简单和最有效的方式.

Register online and call 217.641.4941 with credit/debit card payment.

Mail Form and Payment:
Community-Based Outreach
1301 South 48th Street
Quincy, IL 62305

Payment Options

Cash, check, or credit/debit card. Payments must be made through the JWCC Business Office, located in the Student/Administrative Center or by calling 217.641.4211. The JWCC Business Office operates according to standard JWCC business hours.

Registration Confirmation

Registration is confirmed after payment is completed. 学生将通过电子邮件或邮件收到课程时间表和课程详细信息.


未达到最低入学标准的课程将被取消. 社区外展保留取消或重新安排课程的权利, and will notify students as soon as possible. Students enrolled in a canceled class will be given a full refund.

Class Locations

Unless otherwise noted, all classes are held at the JWCC Quincy Campus. 具体教室位置详见学生课程表.

Refund Policy

Unless otherwise noted in advance, 不迟于研讨会或课程前三个工作日通知社区外展(CBO)他们希望放弃或无法参加课程的学生将获得100%的退款. 如因报名人数过少而取消课程,将获全额退款, instructor cancellation, or inclement weather. No other refunds will be given.

Inclement Weather

当学校因恶劣天气停课或停课时, Community-Based Outreach classes will also be canceled.  If classes are canceled, 当地的电台和电视台将会收到通知,约翰·伍德的网站上也会发布消息. 以社区为基础的外展活动尽一切努力确保学生了解与恶劣天气有关的取消活动.


有身体残疾需要特殊照顾的参加者应在报名时注明需要.  JWCC will do our best to meet your needs.

Notice of Nondiscrimination

beat365平台致力于为所有申请者和学生提供不歧视和平等的机会, faculty and staff. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, age, 在执行教育政策时,有残疾或法律禁止的其他因素, admission and recruitment policies, financial aid programs, employment policies or other school-administered programs. Further, the College administers all educational programs and implements the terms, conditions, and privileges of employment free of sexual harassment. 有关教育机会的问题可直接向学院(南48街1301号)的以下个人提出, Quincy, Illinois 62305):
  • Rob Hodgson, ADA/504 Compliance Officer, 217.641.4349
  • Dana Keppner,平权行动官员和第九条副协调员,217年.641.4241

Interested in Teaching a CBO class?

Thank you for your interest in Community-Based Outreach! Our goal is to serve the needs and interests of the community, and our instructors are a critical part of that mission. 任何在某一特定学科领域具有个人或专业知识的人都可能被考虑教授CBO课程. 对指导员的最低教育要求是高中文凭或GED.

Please contact Community-Based Outreach at 217.641.4941 or by email to talk about becoming an instructor and request a course proposal form.

What is Community-Based Outreach?

JWCC Community-Based Outreach offers useful, 为个人和职业发展而设计的丰富有趣的非学分课程.  课程长度短,价格实惠,通常在晚上和周末提供.

What does noncredit mean?


What is the format for noncredit classes?

Noncredit classes are formatted based on a variety of factors, including subject matter and instructor availability. 课程在晚上和周末进行,以更好地适应工作的成年人和活跃的老年人的需要. 课程可以以讲座/讨论的形式进行,或者以完成一个项目为目标进行实践.

How are courses marketed?

Courses are marketed in several ways. 在印刷截止日期之前完成的所有课程将在我们的非学分小册子中公布, which is mailed to all residents in the JWCC district. Courses are also marketed through social media and by email.

Can I market my own course?

CBO希望教师对他们为社区所做的事情感到兴奋,并尽可能地开设最成功的课程. Instructors are encouraged to promote their course within their community, on their personal or business social media pages, and by email. 我们要求您在未与国会预算办公室联系之前,不要发布正式的新闻稿或新闻声明.

Contact Us!

Phone: 217.641.4941